Meet The Team
The Island is special not only because of its unique landscape but because of the unique cast of characters who inhabit and sustain it. School teachers and social workers, firefighters and first responders, farmers and fishermen, nurses and nannies, municipal workers and mechanics, truck drivers and technicians, artists and arborists, plumbers and plasterers, carpenters and curmudgeons, those of different ages, abilities, incomes, colors, religious beliefs, and gender identities - we need all of these people in order to maintain a living, breathing community, and seek to have them represented in our campaign.
Steering Committee
Julie Fay
Arielle Faria
John Abrams
Kim Angell
Caitlin Burbidge
Morgan Hodgson
Brook Katzen
Jonah Maidoff
Elaine Miller
Mitzi Pratt
Kate Putnam
Doug Ruskin
Kira Sullivan
Tobias Vanderhoop
Abbie Zell
Caroline Drogin
Coalition Administrator
Governmental Designees
Juli Vanderhoop
Aquinnah Select Board
Designee TBD
Chilmark Select Board
Michael Donaroma
Edgartown Select Board
Gail Barmakian
Oak Bluffs Select Board
Designee TBD
Tisbury Select Board
Skipper Manter
West Tisbury Select Board
Doug Ruskin
Dukes County Commission
Laura Silber
MV Commission
Michael Kim
MV Commission
Kristina Hook
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
The Coalition